Be Your Own Office Tech Support - Digital Hints

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Be Your Own Office Tech Support

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

/ by Nurdin Budi Mustofa
Be Your Own Office Tech Support
Does it feel like you’re always struggling to get the printer working, pair that new device with your office’s network or even just keep the essential equipment you need to do your job in order? Sick of calling in the company’s tech support guys so they can condescend you? It might be time to be your own tech support!

There are always going to be times when you need to call tech support, but if you at least try to solve your issues yourself, they may not come around quite as often.

Here’s how you can be your own tech support:

Try the Obvious First

If for instance the printer isn’t working, before you call tech support try checking the power is switched on (I Know) and that all of the necessary cables are attached. Then check that you’re running the right software. Sometimes, it is the obvious causing problem and if you’re able to work that out for yourself, not only will you have to wait for tech support before you can get working, but you’ll avoid office embarrassment too!

Learn How to Speak ‘Techie'

If you’re going to be your own tech support, you really do need to know how to speak the language of technology. So, actually take the time to read the manuals and learn what each component of your equipment is. If nothing else, it’ll make it easy to communicate with the pros when you don’t call the printer nozzle a’ thingymabob’ or refer to the USB port as a ‘doo-dah.’

Retrace Your Steps

Be Your Own Office Tech Support
Computer not accessing the internet? Unable to access those important files? Think back to the last time your tech was working perfectly and try to determine if anything’s been changed since then. Did you install some new software? Have you added a new device to the network? If so, it could but that they are causing your problem and either removing or re-installing them could solve your problems without having to make the dreaded call to IT support.

Run Troubleshooting Wizard

If that doesn’t work, it’s always worth trying to run the Windows troubleshooting wizard, providing you’re working with a Windows device. Simply click help, then troubleshooting and click on the issue that’s causing you problems, you will then be given some ideas to try, which may or may not solve your problem. You may also be able to run through various issues, trying out fixes to see if they work for you.

Get Help

If despite your best efforts, that printer just won’t produce those important documents you need, it might be time to call in Ricoh Printer Support to help you after all. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, some tech issues really can only be solved by a professional, and at least you’ll be able to skip a few steps in the process, having tried to work things out for yourself.

Seek Training

It may also be worth asking your employer about technology-based training opportunities. After all, the more you know, the more you can do, and if you have the knowledge to help yourself, this will make you and the whole company more productive.

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