The Secrets To A Stand Out Construction Brand You'll Wish You Knew Sooner - Digital Hints

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The Secrets To A Stand Out Construction Brand You'll Wish You Knew Sooner

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

/ by Nurdin Budi Mustofa
Take a look at a successful business, and you’ll likely notice a few consistent things about the brand. Products and services need to stand out from the crowd for a brand to be successful, that much is obvious. This can be tough, but it can be done if you plan as much as possible in advance and get to the very heart of what your marketing needs.

Construction companies are no exception to the rule when it comes to successful branding. Yet, many of them think that somehow they are exempt from many of the things that regular businesses need to do to be successful. Although construction is a hands on industry and career, this doesn't mean you can focus less on the internet/marketing side of things. Focusing on these things will give your business that something special it needs to thrive.

In this post, we’re going to look at the secrets to a stand out construction brand that you’ll wish you knew sooner:

Creating A Strong Brand: Who Do You Want To Be?

Creating a strong brand is knowing who you want to be first and foremost. If you don’t know what your brand is supposed to represent, and the feelings and things you want others to have when dealing with your brand, then it isn’t going to have a big enough impact. You want to be known as trusted, reliable, professional, amongst other things you can think of that will make your company stand out from the rest.

It’s a plethora of things that help to create your brand. It’s not just your logo and your fonts, like some believe, but your customer service, your colors, your brand voice, everything that ties into you as a brand.

Think about who your brand would be as a person, and how you want people to feel, then come up with types of language, colors, and imaging you can use to support that.

Offer A Unique Service

If you want to stand out, then you need to do something different. Can you offer a unique type of service? This will expand people’s views on your brand. Just make sure you update and train your staff so that things go as smoothly as possible in the shortest amount of time. If you don’t know what to offer yet, that’s ok. Just stay ahead of the news in your industry so you can jump on something as soon as it comes up.

Consistency Is Key

When you want to create a strong brand, consistency is key. You must use consistent branding via your website, logo, and promotional materials. Just make sure you get creative with them and think outside of the box as much as possible. Think about it: you could probably spot a can of Pepsi a mile off. Some of the bigger brands would only need to show you the smallest piece of their packaging for you to know who they are. That’s because they have perfected their brand and remained consistent across multiple platforms. It’s all about making your brand attractive and recognizable.

Don’t forget, your website, logo, and other materials need to have continuity between them too. You should have company vehicles and visible signage that demonstrate your themes at all times. All this will do is strengthen you as a business!

The Secrets To A Stand Out Construction Brand

Make Sure You Can Say You Only Use The Best Machinery And Equipment

You might be wondering how else you can differentiate your brand. It’s a good idea to make sure you can say you only use the best machinery and equipment available in your industry. Whether this is excavation machinery, cranes, or both, make sure you choose only the safest and best. This will give you an edge over competitors. Providing safety training to ensure your staff won’t hurt themselves or others is also a must. Safety cannot be emphasized enough on a construction site.

Focus On Having A Great Website

Not all construction companies have poor websites, but many do. They think that the construction industry doesn’t require an aesthetic website that works well - and they’re wrong. Website construction has changed dramatically over the years, and continues to do so. A website is required for any business, including a construction business. Finding a qualified web designer to help you put together a quality site is important - you will not be able to do it yourself. At least, not to a good standard. They can incorporate what they know about marketing, SEO, and more to ensure your site works as well as possible. A knowledge of search engine algorithms and inbound marketing tools is also beneficial.

You're also going to need individual landing pages to market your services. Make sure you emphasize on your website your ‘USP’ - unique selling proposition. Having photos and testimonials to back what you say up will help. Make sure they are genuine, as it’s easy to spot false reviews a mile off.

Change when necessary

Something that worked for your business a year ago may not work for your business today. That’s just the way it is. You need to make sure you’re prepared to change when necessary so that you can continue to grow and expand your business. Failure to do this will leave you stagnant. This is why it can be a good idea to hire a business coach, as they can look at things from an outsider’s perspective and help you to improve.

Create And Keep Up With Social Media Accounts

Yes, social media accounts are important too. The more you use these accounts, the better you will be able to connect with your audience and customers. You just need to make sure you focus on responding to people in a timely manner, and providing relevant and helpful information. Remember, your branding needs to be consistent across here too, so remain professional. Just don’t turn your social media pages into a shameless plug for your services. It’s off putting - it’s called social media for a reason. These accounts are essential for modern day branding success.

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