It’s All About The Green! Fundamental Ways To Make Your Business Environmentally Friendly - Digital Hints

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It’s All About The Green! Fundamental Ways To Make Your Business Environmentally Friendly

Friday, July 6, 2018

/ by Nurdin Budi Mustofa
It’s All About The Green! Fundamental Ways To Make Your Business Environmentally Friendly
The ever-changing business landscape means that you have to think of so many different ways to keep ahead of the curve. The changes in technology and demand for new products and services means that we have to be constantly one step ahead of each trend, but the one trend that's not going away, and, in fact, is something that should have been done a long time ago, is looking after the environment. Embodying a green mindset is a very difficult thing to get right, especially when money is tight in your business. But there are some simple steps you can do to ensure your company is going in the green direction.

Use Energy-Saving Products

The simplest way to get on the green bandwagon is to use products that are good for the environment. You can find some information on to get more details on the most energy-efficient appliances out there, but the most common ones include LED or compact fluorescent lights. These lights do cost more than the standard bulb, but they last a lot longer and use less energy.

Plant Some Trees

If you have no idea how much paper you are wasting every year, the first option would be to make the switch to post-consumer waste. Making your business entirely paper-free is another approach that is ideal. But, if you are still dealing with clients who require paper copies, and it seems to be more beneficial to the business that you use paper from time to time, especially if you are subject to a lot of system failures, then you need to think about how to offset your carbon footprint. Planting some trees is a very simple and effective approach to putting back what you've taken. In fact, if you have garden space outside of your office, planting trees on a regular basis is not only one of the ways to improve your carbon footprint in the long run, but it also adds a bit more value to your office, should there be a time you are intending to sell up. You could even set up self-sustaining approaches to help your business, from solar panels to water storage tanks that collect rainwater, and you can find more information on garden products at If you can aim to be self-sustaining, this will be a giant leap towards a greener mindset.

Encourage A Green Ethos

In fact, when it comes to adopting a green mindset, it's not just about the processes you implement; it's about encouraging greener practices in your employees. From taking public transport to a workplace bicycle scheme, these approaches will have a far-reaching impact. By encouraging your employees to start small, and take the green approach one day a week, a little step in the right direction is better than no step at all.

Not only is making your company green going to benefit the planet, but you will shave thousands of dollars off your bills. But it also carries a certain cache, that if knowledgeable customers want to buy from a brand that's conscious about their carbon footprint, this will make you an infinitely trendy company.

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