HTML Character Code - Digital Hints

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HTML Character Code

Saturday, August 3, 2019

/ by Nurdin Budi Mustofa
HTML Character Code In writing code in HTML, logical constructs are known as character data and attribute values consist of a sequence of characters, where each character can manifest directly or can be represented by a series of characters called character references. There are 2 types of references that can be used, namely: numeric character references and character entity references.

Numeric character references, for example like the following example: & or can be written as a character entity reference by writing as follows: & which has the intention of replacing a symbol &(ampersand) character.

There are several groupings in the HTML Character Code, namely:
  1. Special HTML Codes
  2. Regular / Standard HTML Codes
  3. Extra HTML Codes
  4. HTML Math Symbol Codes
  5. Currency Symbol Codes
  6. Intellectual Property Codes
  7. Greek Alphabet Codes

The grouping above is intended to make it easier to find which HTML Code to use.

Special HTML Codes

Character Numeric Code Named Code Description
	 horizontal tab

 line feed

 carriage return / enter
    non-breaking space

Regular HTML Character Codes

Character Numeric Code Named Code Description
! ! exclamation mark
" " " double quote
# # number
$ $ dollar
% % percent
& & & ampersand
' ' ' single quote
( ( left parenthesis
) ) right parenthesis
* * asterisk
+ + plus
, , comma
- - minus
. . period
/ / slash
0 0 zero
1 1 one
2 2 two
3 3 three
4 4 four
5 5 five
6 6 six
7 7 seven
8 8 eight
9 9 nine
: : colon
; &#59; semicolon
< &#60; &lt; less than
= &#61; equality sign
> &#62; &gt; greater than
? &#63; question mark
@ &#64; at sign
A &#65;
B &#66;
C &#67;
D &#68;
E &#69;
F &#70;
G &#71;
H &#72;
I &#73;
J &#74;
K &#75;
L &#76;
M &#77;
N &#78;
O &#79;
P &#80;
Q &#81;
R &#82;
S &#83;
T &#84;
U &#85;
V &#86;
W &#87;
X &#88;
Y &#89;
Z &#90;
[ &#91; left square bracket
\ &#92; backslash
] &#93; right square bracket
^ &#94; caret / circumflex
_ &#95; underscore
` &#96; grave / accent
a &#97;
b &#98;
c &#99;
d &#100;
e &#101;
f &#102;
g &#103;
h &#104;
i &#105;
j &#106;
k &#107;
l &#108;
m &#109;
n &#110;
o &#111;
p &#112;
q &#113;
r &#114;
s &#115;
t &#116;
u &#117;
v &#118;
w &#119;
x &#120;
y &#121;
z &#122;
{ &#123;
| &#124; left curly bracket
} &#125; vertical bar
} &#125; right curly bracket
~ &#126; tilde

Extra Codes

Character Numeric Code Named Code Description
&#160; &nbsp; non-breaking space
¡ &#161; &iexcl; inverted exclamation mark
¢ &#162; &cent; cent sign
£ &#163; &pound; pound sign
¤ &#164; &curren; currency sign
¥ &#165; &yen; yen sign
¦ &#166; &brvbar; broken bar
§ &#167; &sect; section sign
¨ &#168; &uml; diaeresis
© &#169; &copy; copyright sign
ª &#170; &ordf; feminine ordinal indicator
« &#171; &laquo; left pointing guillemet
¬ &#172; &not; not sign
­ &#173; &shy; soft hyphen
® &#174; &reg; registered sign
¯ &#175; &macr; macron
° &#176; &deg; degree sign
± &#177; &plusmn; plus-minussign
² &#178; &sup2; superscript two
³ &#179; &sup3; superscript three
´ &#180; &acute; acute accent
µ &#181; &micro; micro sign
&#182; &para; paragraph sign
· &#183; &middot; middle dot
¸ &#184; &cedil; spacing cedilla
¹ &#185; &sup1; superscript one
º &#186; &ordm; masculine ordinal indicator
» &#187; &raquo; right pointing guillemet
¼ &#188; &frac14; fraction one quarter
½ &#189; &frac12; fraction one half
¾ &#190; &frac34; fraction three quarters
¿ &#191; &iquest; inverted question mark
À &#192; &iquest; capital A with grave
Á &#193; &Agrave; inverted question mark
 &#194; &Aacute; capital A with acute
à &#195; &Acirc; capital A with circumflex
Ä &#196; &Atilde; capital A with tilde
Å &#197; &Auml; capital A with diaeresis
Æ &#198; &Aring; capital A with ring
Ç &#199; &AElig; capital AE
È &#200; &Ccedil; capital C with cedilla
É &#201; &Egrave; capital E with grave
Ê &#202; &Eacute; capital E with acute
Ë &#203; &Ecirc; capital E with circumflex
Ì &#204; &Euml; capital E with diaeresis
Í &#205; &Igrave; capital I with grave
Î &#206; &Igrave; capital I with grave
Ï &#207; &Iuml; capital I with diaeresis
Ð &#208; &ETH; capital ETH
Ñ &#209; &Ntilde; capital N with tilde
Ò &#210; &Ograve; capital O with grave
Ó &#211; &Oacute; capital O with acute
Ô &#212; &Ocirc; capital O with circumflex
Õ &#213; &Otilde; capital O with tilde
Ö &#214; &Ouml; capital O with diaeresis
× &#215; &times; multiplication sign
Ø &#216; &Oslash; capital O with stroke
Ù &#217; &Ugrave; capital U with grave
Ú &#218; &Uacute; capital U with acute
Û &#219; &Ucirc; capital U with circumflex
Ü &#220; &Uuml; capital U with diaeresis
Ý &#221; &Yacute; capital Y with acute
Þ &#222; &THORN; capital THORN
ß &#223; &szlig; small sharp s
à &#224; &agrave; small a with grave
á &#225; &aacute; small a with acute
â &#226; &; small a with circumflex
ã &#227; &atilde; small a with tilde
ä &#228; &auml; small a with diaeresis
å &#229; &aring; small a with ring above
æ &#230; &aelig; small ae
ç &#231; &ccedil; small c with cedilla
è &#232; &egrave; small e with grave
é &#233; &eacute; small e with acute
ê &#234; &ecirc; small e with circumflex
ë &#235; &euml; small e with diaeresis
ì &#236; &igrave; small i with grave
í &#237; &iacute; small i with acute
î &#238; &icirc; small i with circumflex
ï &#239; &iuml; small i with diaeresis
ð &#240; &eth; small eth
ñ &#241; &ntilde; small n with tilde
ò &#242; òeth; small o with grave
ó &#243; &oacute; small o with acute
ô &#244; &ocirc; small o with circumflex
õ &#245; &otilde; small o with tilde
ö &#246; &ouml; small o with diaeresis
÷ &#247; &divide; division sign
ø &#248; &oslash; small o with stroke
ù &#249; &ugrave; small u with grave
ú &#250; &uacute; small u with acute
û &#251; &ucirc; small u with circumflex
ü &#252; &uuml; small u with diaeresis
ý &#253; &yacute; small y with acute
þ &#254; &thorn; small thorn
ÿ &#255; &yuml; small y with diaeresis

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