Gaining Exposure for Your NonProfit - Digital Hints

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Gaining Exposure for Your NonProfit

Friday, August 21, 2020

/ by Nurdin Budi Mustofa
Are you struggling with ways to get your non-profit in front of people who need to know about your cause and want to help? Setting up a non-profit is a very noble idea and one that shouldn't be discouraged. There is always room for people looking to help others in any capacity. However, it can be disheartening to realize that seemingly no one knows about you and offers and donations to help start dwindling. So what are you going to do about it?

Gaining Exposure for Your NonProfit
Image Credit: Pexels CC0 License

Firstly, you need to engage your passion and use that enthusiasm to light the fire in other people to get them interested and willing to help you out no matter what your cause. It would be best if you were the spark that ignites the interest. If you aren't passionate about your cause, then you can't expect others to be.

So how can you go about spreading said enthusiasm to make sure it reaches others and ignites their passion and desire to help?

SEO Optimised Website.

Most people can set up a website pretty quickly these days. Once you have your domain name and hosting, the rest isn't that hard to figure out. Getting your nonprofit's website at the top of the ranking for associated keywords and search terms is a different story. This is where SEO comes into play. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the investment that keeps on giving. Getting SEO for nonprofits can be tricky, so looking for help from someone with expertise in this area will be advantageous to your cause. Getting SEO right will pay dividends in the future and ensure your website and non-profit remain visible in search engines time and time again.

Go Viral.

Every nonprofit needs active and engaging social media accounts. Staying on topic and focusing on your cause will help you to portray your passion for the purpose and entice others to want to help in the same or similar ways to you.

Fundraisers are a good idea, but getting them to go viral or even just a post on one of your channels to go viral can take a bit of work and a tremendous amount of luck and talent. Forget paying to get your name out there and your activity sponsored to reach more people. What you need to invest in content that is designed to go viral. Witty and intelligent images with captions that appeal to the masses or a video that people will want to share and share until it seems like the world world, including mainstream news outlets, have seen and commented on your viral masterpiece.

Go Mainstream

Think markets, festivals, charitable events, etc. Putting in the time and effort to go where you know people will be could be worth all the effort. All it takes is for one person to engage and spread the word, and before you know, the event was a success, and you have successfully engaged with new benefactors. Make sure to show off your non-profit as positively as possible and be prepared to charm people and answer many, many questions they might have. The more positive your interaction, the more the likelihood is that you will achieve what you set out to do.

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