Build AND Capitalize: Little Ways To Keep Customers Coming Back - Digital Hints

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Build AND Capitalize: Little Ways To Keep Customers Coming Back

Saturday, February 27, 2021

/ by Nurdin Budi Mustofa
Build AND Capitalize: Little Ways To Keep Customers Coming Back

Online stores provide many benefits and running any form of business that has captured a specific market is invaluable. But learning to increase your exposure will encourage your business to go in new and exciting directions. But it's also important to remember the vitality of customer service. Namely, ensuring that customers keep coming back. When we have a customer, especially when we run an online store, we can make the mistake that they will never return. But there are things that we can do to keep our customers coming back, and they are all little things.

Diversify Your Payment Options

Many businesses are now gearing themselves up for a plethora of payments in cryptocurrency. And cryptocurrency for many people can seem like an intimidating prospect. But if you start looking for a crypto exchange you will see that it's just another version of foreign currency. By diversifying your payment options to include crypto, you will have the potential to reach more people.

Offer a New Product or Service

It sounds simple and obvious, but if you want to capture a new target market, or bring people back, offering a brand new product is the best way. You might think there's a lot of work to get a new product ready, but sometimes, a repositioning of an existing product can reap dividends. Diversifying your brands, or offering an additional product that suits one you already sell are simple things that can get somebody to come back.

Partnering Up

When you partner up with another company that is looking for the same market but is not competing with you, it can be a very effective way of getting new customers. Sometimes, you can look at other companies that are acquiring high volumes of traffic on their website, and you can work with them to help them get more traffic. For example, creating content as a guest for their blog. Or you can put up a banner on their site to direct customers to your shop. You can then pay the partner a flat fee for each customer acquired, or a slice of the cart revenue.


This, in combination with free samples, can be a great way to spread the word. It helps you to gain more exposure, especially if you do hashtag competitions via social media. You can also incorporate a voting mechanic, which can encourage customers' friends to get involved as well. And if you give away something for free, you must remember that it's got to be economical. There is no point in a significant amount of items because it has to be cost-effective. Sometimes, we can think that property investing in giving out samples will bring the customers in, but we've got to be savvy in this area.

Getting customers to return is crucial. And when you are running an online store, it's these people that you should be focusing on more than getting new customers. This is for the very simple reason that your customers already know what you are about. You got the opportunity to build a relationship and capitalize too.

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